Aristotle’s Conception of Tragic Catharsis in Poetics

Aristotle Conception of Tragic Catharsis in Poetics The concept of “Catharsis” is mentioned only once in Aristotle’s Poetics, specifically in the fourth chapter. However, this single mention has sparked numerous interpretations and controversies. Aristotle does not provide an explicit definition or explanation of the term within the Poetics itself. It is possible that he addressed … Read more

Three Kinds of Plot According to Aristotle

What are three kinds of plot according to Aristotle? Plot plays a vital role in storytelling, shaping the structure and progression of a narrative. Aristotle, the renowned Greek philosopher and scholar, analyzed various aspects of tragedy in his Poetics, including the concept of a tragic plot. He focused on construction of plot. He compared tragedy … Read more

Ideal Tragic Plot for a Tragedy According to Aristotle

The Tragic Plot and Its Constituent Parts Aristotle’s Poetics talks about many topics like fine arts, poetry, tragedy, comedy, epic poetry, etc., but tragedy is the most discussed topic among all. Aristotle really goes into detail about tragedy and discusses constituents of tragedy in a detail. However, when it comes to talking about tragedy, there … Read more

Why Tragedy is Superior to the Epic According to Aristotle

Why Tragedy is Superior to the Epic according to Aristotle Poetics generally deals with the concept of imitation, fine arts, and tragedy. Many subjects were left unexplained like lyrical poetry, comedy, and some important terms like catharses. But we can see that Aristotle shed light on epic poetry and compared it with tragedy. He proposed … Read more

Aristotle Concept of the Ideal Tragic Hero

Poetry is a form of imitation, where the imitated objects/characters can be either superior, inferior, or similar to a real life. Aristotle made a clear distinction between comedy and tragedy; as tragedy involves imitating individuals who are superior to their real-life counterparts. Therefore, tragedy presents its characters in an idealized form, depicting life as it … Read more

Introduction to the Poetics by Aristotle | Greek Literarure

Introduction to the Poetics by Aristotle

Who Was Aristotle? Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher, psychologist, political thinker, and polymath who lived from 384 BC to 322 BC. He was a student of Plato and studies for about 20 years (367-347BC) in Athens until death of Plato.  After death of Plato, He moved to Assus and set up a school there … Read more

Aristotle’s Concept of Tragedy in Poetics | Greek Tragedy

Definition of Tragedy by Aristotle

The “Poetics” by Aristotle primarily deals with tragedy. Some aspects of tragedy in Poetics may be considered controversial or outdated but its contribution to the literature and influence on English literature is undebatable. According to Aristotle, Tragedy is the highest poetic form. He defined some parameters and rules to write a tragedy. He laid focus … Read more

Chapter Wise Summary of Poetics by Aristotle | Brief Synopsis

Chapter Wise Summary of Poetics by Aristotle

Poetics is one of the famous works by Aristotle. It is one of the important works on literary criticism produced ever but still it has some anomalies and defects. It looks that the treatise we have is might not the same as Aristotle wrote. The Poetics is apparently incomplete and lacks many subjects of its … Read more

Aristotle’s Defense of Poetry against Plato’s Charge on Poetry

Aristotle’s Defense of Poetry against Plato’s Charge on Poetry

When we read Greek concepts of poetry, we come across two different theories: One is attack on poetry by Plato and the second one is defence of poetry by Aristotle. Greek intellectuals who proposed these two opinions regarding poetry were Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle was very intelligent and favorite disciple of Plato. Plato attacked on … Read more

Three Dramatic Unities: Unity of Action, Time, and Place

Three Dramatic Unities The poetics by Aristotle defines general format of a tragedy. Aristotle also shared his views on two dramatic unities in a tragedy. He focused on two of three unities that are unity of action and unity of time. Aristotle did not mention unity of place in his Poetics. We will discuss all … Read more