Definition and Types of Determiner | Parts of Speech

Types of determiners or kinds of determiners

Definition of Determiners There are major content words in English as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, and minor function words as pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners and Interjections. Determiners are minor function words in English language. Let us look at the definition of determiners and types of determiners. Determiners are the words that are placed before … Read more

Definition and Types of Conjunction| Parts of Speech

Types of conjunctions and classes of conjunctions

Definition of Conjunction The word conjunction means union, concurrence or coexistence. Let us look at the definition of conjunctions. Conjunctions are simply words that join sentences, clauses and sometimes words. These join together sentences are to make them more compact. Unlike relative adverbs and relative pronouns, conjunctions just simply join and perform no other job. … Read more

Definition and Types of Preposition | Parts of Speech

Types of preposition / kinds of preposition

The word preposition means ‘that which is placed before’. Let us look at the definition of prepositions and types of prepositions. What Are Prepositions?  Prepositions are the words that we put before nouns or pronouns. These denote in what relation the person or thing indicated by it exists, in relation to something else. Look at … Read more

Definition and Types of Adjective | Parts of Speech

Types of Adjective / kinds of adjectives

Definition of an Adjective An adjective is defined a word which gives information about a noun, pronoun, or a noun phrase. It gives additional information about a noun or pronoun. It shows the quality, kind, or degree of a noun. Look at the examples below. Sana gave me eight apples The mouse is little. In the first example, … Read more

Definition and Types of Adverb | Parts of Speech

Different Types of Adverbs

Definition of an Adverb An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It provides us with further information about a verb, adjective or another adverb. It tells us in which manner, at what place or time, something happened, or is/was done. Look at the examples below. Ali walks swiftly. She took the grocery out of the shopping bags very carefully. … Read more

Definition and Types of Pronoun | Parts of Speech

Types of pronoun / Kinds of pronoun

Definition of Pronoun A pronoun is defined as a word that replaces a noun in a sentence, taking the place of a noun to avoid repetition and make sentences more concise and easier to understand. Let’s look at the following paragraph: “Jam is a boy of sixteen. Jam is studying in the 9th class. Jam … Read more

Definition and Types of Noun | Parts of Speech

What is a Noun? A noun is a word used to identify a place, person, thing, or idea. Anything that has a name and can be talked about is a noun. Everything is denoted by a name, and that naming word is called a “noun.” Often, a noun will be the name for something we … Read more