Salary and Wages Vocabulary | English Vocabulary

Salary and Wages Vocabulary

Payments made to employees for their work, where wages are typically hourly and salaries are fixed annual sums. They form the primary income for most workers. In this article, we are going to learn about important vocabulary words related to wages and salaries. You will understand terms like wage, salary, and compensation, which help explain … Read more

Travel and Tourism Vocabulary | English Vocabulary

Travel and Tourism Vocabulary in English

The language of travel and tourism is rich and diverse, with a wide range of words and phrases that help us navigate the world. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or an industry professional, understanding the vocabulary of travel and tourism can enhance your experiences and expand your horizons. Itinerary A detailed plan or schedule of … Read more

Famous African Proverbs in English Language

African Proverbs

Why African Proverbs are Famous? African proverbs are famous for their rich cultural heritage and the wisdom they convey, reflecting the diverse traditions, values, and experiences of numerous African communities. These proverbs have been passed down orally through generations, serving as vital tools for teaching and preserving history, ethics, and social norms. They often encapsulate … Read more

Famous Chinese Proverbs in English Language

Chinese Proverbs

Why Chinese Proverbs are famous? Chinese proverbs are famous due to their deep roots in an ancient civilization that spans thousands of years. The teachings of influential philosophers like Confucius and Laozi have significantly shaped these proverbs, embedding them with profound philosophical insights and moral lessons. Their themes, such as wisdom, patience, humility, and the … Read more

Food Idioms to Build Your Vocabulary

Food Idioms in English

Here are some common food idioms to build your English vocabulary. Each food idiom includes its literal meaning and its figurative use in a sentence. Before starting food idioms, we will explain: what is an idiom?   What is an idiom? An idiom is a combination of words or a short phrase, which has a … Read more

Difference Between Illusion, Allusion and Delusion

Difference Between Illusion, Allusion and Delusion

Illusion, allusion, and delusion are three words that are often used interchangeably but have different meanings. These words are frequently used in English writing and they can easily confuse a writer or a reader if used wrongly. In this article, we will discuss the difference between illusion, allusion, and delusion in English writing.   Importance … Read more

Difference Between “May Be” and “Maybe”

Difference Between May Be and Maybe

As a non-native English speaker, it can be challenging to distinguish between “may be” and “maybe”. These words sound and look the same but have different meanings. Both words are frequently used in English writing, but they are not interchangeable. In this article, we’ll explain the difference between “may be” and “maybe” and provide examples … Read more

Difference between Eminent and Imminent

Difference between Eminent and Imminent

Eminent and imminent are very confusing words in English because of their similarity in pronunciation and slight change in spellings. The difference of pronunciation in by only one vowel sound that is ‘E’ in eminent and ‘I’ in imminent. Due to similar pronunciation, these are homophones. In this article, we will discuss main difference between eminent and imminent … Read more

Difference Between Miss, Ms. and Mrs. in English Writing

Difference Between Miss, Ms. and Mrs. in English

Language is a powerful tool that reflects social norms and values. The way we address others, particularly women, can reveal underlying assumptions about gender, age, and marital status. In English, there are three commonly used titles for women: Miss, Ms., and Mrs. In this article, we will explore the meanings, implications, and differences between these … Read more

Different between Isle and Aisle | Pair of words

Different between Isle and Aisle

The words “isle” and “aisle” are homophones, which means they have similar pronunciation but have different spellings and meanings. Both of the words are most confusing words for the readers and listeners because their pronunciation is not as they are spelled. The letter ‘s’ is silent in both letters that makes them homophones. We will … Read more