Difference Between “May Be” and “Maybe”

As a non-native English speaker, it can be challenging to distinguish between “may be” and “maybe”. These words sound and look the same but have different meanings. Both words are frequently used in English writing, but they are not interchangeable. In this article, we’ll explain the difference between “may be” and “maybe” and provide examples to clarify their correct use in sentences.


May Be vs. Maybe

“May be” is a two-word phrase consisting of the modal verb “may” and the verb “be.” On the other hand, “maybe” is a one-word adverb.


Definition and Usage of “May Be”

The modal verb “may” is used to express possibility or permission. When “may” is used in combination with “be,” it indicates a possibility. For instance:

She may be late for the meeting.

It may be sunny tomorrow.

In both examples, the phrase “may be” is used to express a possibility of something happening or being true.

Examples of “May Be”

The concert may be canceled due to the rain.

The new project may be delayed because of the shortage of staff.

The candidate may be suitable for the job.


Two-word phrase usage

In some cases, “may be” can also be used as a two-word phrase that means “might exist.” For instance:

There may be a cure for cancer in the future.

There may be a way to reverse the effects of global warming.


Definition and Usage of “Maybe”

As mentioned earlier, “maybe” is an adverb that means “perhaps” or “possibly.” It is used to express uncertainty or doubt. For instance:


Maybe we should go to the cinema tonight.

Maybe the train will be delayed.

In both examples, “maybe” is used to indicate a possibility, but it does not express certainty.


Examples of “Maybe”

Maybe we should have a picnic in the park.

Maybe he forgot about the appointment.

Maybe she’ll change her mind about going to the party.


Common Mistakes with “May Be” and “Maybe”

One common mistake that people make is using “maybe” instead of “may be.” For instance:

Incorrect: She may of forgotten her phone at home.

Correct: She may have forgotten her phone at home.

In the incorrect example, “maybe” is used instead of “may be.” Another common mistake is omitting the verb “be” after “may.” For instance:

Incorrect: He may late for the meeting.

Correct: He may be late for the meeting.

In the incorrect example, “may” is used without “be,” making the sentence grammatically incorrect.


Tips to Remember the Difference Between “May Be” and “Maybe”

To avoid confusion between the two words, remember that “may be” is a two-word phrase that expresses possibility, while “maybe” is an adverb that means “perhaps” or “possibly.”



In conclusion, the difference between “may be” and “maybe” is significant, and it is essential to understand their meanings and usage in English writing. “May be” is a two-word phrase that expresses possibility, while “maybe” is an adverb that indicates uncertainty or doubt. To avoid common mistakes, it is crucial to remember the difference between the two words and use them appropriately in a sentence.

If you have any other questions or doubts, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.



Frequently Asked Questions

Is it correct to use “maybe” instead of “may be”?

No, “maybe” cannot be used in place of “may be” as they have different meanings and functions in a sentence.

Can “maybe” be used to express possibility?

Yes, “maybe” can be used to express possibility, but it does not convey certainty like “may be” does.

Is it necessary to use “may be” instead of “maybe” in formal writing?

Yes, it is necessary to use “may be” instead of “maybe” in formal writing to maintain proper grammar and convey the intended meaning accurately.

Can “may be” be used in place of “might be”?

Yes, “may be” and “might be” can be used interchangeably as they both express possibility.

What part of speech is “may be”?

“May be” is a two-word phrase consisting of the modal verb “may” and the verb “be.”