Summary of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Summary of Heart of Darkness

Summary of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad There are three chapters in the novel Heart of Darkness: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. This is a concise synopsis of all the Heart of Darkness’ chapters. Summary of Part 1: Horrors of Sea and Marlow’s Journey: On the Nellie, a little ship with five … Read more

What is Literary English? Characteristics of Literary English

What is Literary English?

What is Literary English? Literary English is one of the registers of English language. Literary English is used for writing literary contents, for analysis on a literary writing or for literary criticism. During Medieval Ages, literary English was often placed at an elevated position among Fine Arts. During that time it was very distinctive from … Read more

What Are the Characteristics of Heroic Couplet?

Characteristics of Heroic Couplet

A heroic couplet is a form of writing that consists of two iambic pentameter lines rhyming together at the end. There are set patterns for writing a heroic couplet but there are some occasional variations in heroic couplet. All good wielders of the heroic couplet used such variations to counteract the possibility of monotony caused … Read more

Introduction to “The Rape of the Lock”

Introduction to The Rape of the Lock

The poem “The Rape of the Lock”, written by Alexander Pope, first became available for public reading in 1712. The poem is a mock heroic and Pope is criticizing the upper class of London and their ways of that time. This poem saw many stages and got modified with each. Its length was two cantos … Read more

Introduction to Characters in the Play | Othello

Characters in Othello

Characters in the Play, Othello The play, Othello, has a limited range of characters. Othello is the protagonist of the play, Iago is the villain, and Desdemona is the heroin in the play. All of them are described in detail below. Othello Othello is a protagonist of the play. He is a Moor (an African), … Read more

Act-wise Summary of Othello by William Shakespeare

Summary of Othello

Summary of Othello Othello play is comprised on five acts. Act (I) has three scenes, act (II) has two scenes, act (III) has four scenes, act (IV) has three scenes, and act (V) has two scenes. Act I of Summary of Othello First scene of act 1 opens on a street in Venice. Two men, … Read more

Summary of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Summary of Pride and Prejudice

Summary of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet and their five daughters (Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine, and Lydia) are resident of Hertfordshire. They were excited by the news that a rich single man Mr. Bingley is coming in their neighborhood who rented Netherfield Park. Mrs. Bennet was very happy with a … Read more

Why Elizabeth Rejects Mr. Collins’ Marriage Proposal?

Why Elizabeth Benner rejects Mr. Colons marriage proposal

Why Elizabeth Rejects Mr. Collins? Or Why Mrs. Bennet Forces Her Daughter Elizabeth Bennet to Marry Mr. Collins? “Sir, I am honoured by your proposal, but I regret that I must decline it.” (Elizabeth Bennet) Mrs. Bennet forces her daughter to marry Mr. Collins but Elizabeth rejects Mr. Collins. Her daughter was not ready to … Read more