Describing Shape, Size, & Appearance | Eyes Vocabulary


Shape, Size, Appearance, and Expressions Vocabulary for Describing Eyes

  • Round, (eye having a round eyeball)
  • Squinty, (not having parallel visual axes, crossed, to look askance)
  • Crinkly, (small eyes covered with eyelid and looking through narrow opening)
  • Bulging, (swelling or thrusting out, big round eyes with eyelid opened widely)
  • Heavy-lidded, (eyes having thick eyelashes)
  • Hooded, (half-closed, used to describe eyes that are half closed)
  • Deep-set, (eyes pressed inside because of old age or weakness)
  • Close-set, (eyes covered with eyelids and looking through narrow opening)
  • Almond-eyed, (having narrow slant almond-shaped eyes)
  • Large, (having a large-size eyeball)
  • Small, (eyeballs small in size)
  • Tearful, (eyes full of tears because of sorrow or affection)
  • Doe-eyed, (having large eyes that make someone innocent)
  • Bug-eyed (bulging eyes)
  • Pie-eyed, (intoxicated)
  • Wrinkled, (eyes having wrinkles in their surroundings or loose eyelids that have wrinkles)
  • Pale, (yellowish eyes because of sickness or weakness)    
  • Beady, (eyes that are too small in looking)
  • Bushy, (eye with thick and long eyelashes)
  • Shimmering, (eyes that have a shining look)


Eye color Vocabulary

  • Black, (mostly people have black eyes)
  • Brown, (few people have a brown color of their iris of their eyes)
  • Hazel, (eyes having a mixture of brown and green or gray colors)
  • Green, (green eyes have greenish texture in appearance)
  • Blue, (Very few people have a blue color of their eyes)
  • Amber, (a dark orange-yellow color of eyes)


Vocabulary for Eye Expressions

  • Piercing, (perceptive, seeming to have the power to guess the thoughts or feeling of a person)
  • Mesmerizing, (to hold the attention of something or somebody in such a way that nothing else is noticed or seen)
  • Sad, (eyes revealing a sad mood of a person)
  • Sorrowful, (Sadness visible in eyes)
  • Haunted, (showing some expected fear)
  • Dismal, (Showing sad feelings or unhappiness)
  • Sympathetic, (showing a feeling of sympathy for someone through eyes)
  • Ogle, (to look at someone in a way that shows amorous/sexual attraction)
  • Leer (at), (look at someone in an evil or unpleasantly sexual way)
  • Compassionate, (showing or having compassion for sick or hurt)
  • Twinkling, (shining)
  • Lively, (active and energetic)
  • Shifty, (eyes indicating tricky nature, deceptive)
  • Sly, (eyes revealing that you know a secret)
  • Distrusting, (showing lack of confidence or trust)
  • Sleepy, (showing tiredness and ready to fall asleep, slumberous, droopy)