Positive Personality Adjectives

What Are Personality Adjectives?

Personality adjectives are those words that tell us about the personality traits like behavior, courage, look, or temperament of a person. Positive personality adjective are used in positive sense to praise someone or to describe some good trait. 

Most Commonly Used Positive Personality Adjectives 

Some of the most commonly used positive personality adjectives are written below.

  • Adaptable

 Able to change in order to fit every situation. Able to adopt or be adopted People who are adaptable can overcome change easily

In a sentence: When Henry got divorce, she proved herself to be adoptable. She knows very well how to cope with this change in life.

  • Adventurous

 Not afraid to do new and dangerous or exciting things. Adventurous people seek for the fun in life and love to try something exciting and new.

In a sentence: Mount Everest hilltop attracts adventurous people to exercise their adventure.

  • Affectionate

 Feeling or showing affection for others

In a sentence: The little baby is an affectionate child who gives hugs and kisses freely

  • Ambitious

 Having ambition or a desire to be successful or powerful and used in positive sense mostly

In a sentence: This 600-page novel is his most ambitious effort.

  • Amiable

 Friendly and pleasant; Amiable people are affable. They are kind, warm and friendly.

In a sentence: Everyone knows that Jam is an amiable fellow.

  • Compassionate

 man having or showing courage. A courageous person is brave. They can even jump into a burning fir for a positive cause.

Showing or having sympathy for other’s suffering.  A compassionate person always tries to do something to help ease the suffering.

In a sentence: A compassionate smile made the refugees feel a little better

  • Courageous

 A man of valor, one who is not coward and ready to do any thing

A In a sentence: Adam was courageous men who dive 20 feet into water to save a lamb.

  • Courteous

 Polite and showing respect in good manners. Such people say, “Please,” “Thank you” and “No, thanks.”

In a sentence: The police officer was very courteous.

  • Empathetic

 People speaking or acting in powerful manners. They also understand people better because they see things from the other person’s perspective. 

In a sentence: Traders were emphatic about their economical differences.

  • Exuberant

 Very energetic and full of joy

In a sentence: Her exuberant personality makes him fun to be around.

  • Frank

 A person is frank who speaks in very clear and direct way. Speaking honestly

In a sentence: Ali is a very frank boy.

  • Generous

 A generous person is willing to give and share with others what he has.

In a sentence: Ali has always been very generous towards the needy people.

  • Gregarious

 Person who enjoys other’s company, a socially connected man

In a sentence: Sadaf is very gregarious girl who do not miss any part in college.

  • Inventive

 Imaginative or creative. Inventive people are able to find creative, ingenious solutions to problems. They might be able to repair a van with a paper clip. 

In a sentence: Jack is an inventive engineer and can repair every kind of technical items.

  • Passionate

 having or expressing strong emotions or belief. Such people have a real love for something in their life.

In a sentence: Imran khan gave very compassionate speech on COVID 19.

  • Practical

 Actively engaged in some course of action

In a sentence: Ali has a lot of practical experience in educational field.

  •  Rational

 A person who speaks based on reason and facts. Thinking clearly based upon logical reasoning

In a sentence: Human beings are rational creatures.

  •  Reliable

 TrustedSomeone who is reliable is trust worthy and dependable.

In a sentence: A good report cannot be written without collection of reliable data.

  •  Sensible

 Showing good sense or judgment, a sensible person is a clear thinking and reasonable person.

In a sentence: My father gave me a sensible advice on smoking.

  •  Witty

 Clever and funny with good intellectual capacity

In a sentence: Sir Francis Bacon is famous for his witty dialogues