Negative Personality Adjective in English

What are personality adjectives? 

Personality adjectives are those words that tell us about the personality traits like behavior, look, valor or temperament of a person. Negative personality adjective are used in a negative sense to degrade someone or to describe some bad trait. 

Some of the most commonly used negative personality adjectives are written below.


Arrogant: Showing or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own abilities, Conceited, Haughty.

In a sentence: Ali got a first position in his college but he is not an arrogant about it.

Self-centered: Too much interested in him/her and not caring for others. Concerned only with one’s own needs.

In a sentence: Due to self-centered nature no one wants to join the company of Jacky.

Vain: Too much proud of one’s own ability or achievement.  

In a Sentence: Joseph is very vain about his personality.

Pompous: Excessively elevated are exhibiting self importance, arrogant. 

In a Sentence: The pompous waiter served us in the manner of a person doing some poor soul a great favor.

Callous: Hard-hearted, showing or feeling no sympathy for others, uncaring.

In a Sentence Bacon is a selfish and callous man in our company.

Cynical: Peevish, having believe that all people are dishonest and selfish, skeptical.

In a SentenceCynical people do not believe on such as true love.  

Aloof: Lonely. A man with unfriendly manner, detached.

In a SentenceI want to keep myself aloof from politics.

Impolite: Rude, lacking politeness, ill-mannered.

In a Sentence It is impolite to interrupt someone again and again during debate.

 Thoughtless: Showing no concern for feelings or needs of other, carelessly.

In a SentenceA thoughtless person always makes hurting comments on other.

Defensive: Behaving in a way that shows that you feel others are criticizing you. Self protective.

In a Sentence I was surprised by his defensive arguments.

Hostile: Unfriendly, Unfreezing feeling, referring to an enemy.

In a SentenceThere was a small city that was hostile to visitor.

Belligerent: Always ready to fight, aggressive and angry, imposing war.

In a SentenceAdam was drunk and belligerent.

Bitchy: Rude, unfriendly.

In a sentence: Boss of our company was fired out because of bitchy nature.

Nasty: Unpleasant to taste and smell or see, mean, indecent.

In a SentenceJane has a nasty habit of putting a finger in her mouth.

Cruel: Hurting others, causing injury, grief or pain.

In a SentenceInjustice is a cruel fact of mankind.

Deceitful: Deceptive, misleading, a deceiving person.

In a sentence: The deceitful man neglected some hidden fault of his bike and sold it to a poor man.

 Machiavellian: Using tricks in order to achieve something, dishonest.

In a Sentence Machiavellian policy was discussed during the ring table talk.  

Sneaky: Acting in a secret and dishonest manner.

In a Sentence Many traders use sneaky ways to sell their products.

Stubborn: Refusing to change ideas or to stop doing something, obstinate.

In a Sentencechildren are mostly stubborn and obstinate in nature.

Fussy: Always ready to fight, often upset or unhappy.

In a Sentencefussy boys are always aloof because of their temperament nature.  

Vague: Not clearly expressed, where meanings are not clear, doubtful.

In a SentenceVague answers create embarrassment during conversation.

Impatient: Unable to wait for someone or something, eager to do something without waiting.

In a Sentenceafter delay to month’s salary I was impatient.