Chapter-wise Summary of Animal Farm | Long Summary

Long Summary of Animal Farm

The novel, Animal Farm is comprised of ten chapters. Here is chapter wise summary of Animal Farm explained briefly. You can check a quick plot overview of Animal Farm here. Summary of Chapter 1: The owner of the Manor Farm, Mr. Jones falls asleep after consuming alcohol as he is an alcoholic and ruthless person. … Read more

Definition of Simile with Examples in Sentences

Definition of Simile

Definition of Simile The word simile came from a Latin word “similis” which means “like or likeness”. Simile is an expression of likeness/similarity/resemblance between two or more different objects or events. The word simile compares two separate things, concepts, ideas, or objects by a connecting word such as “as” or “like”. We use simile when … Read more

Brief Introductions to the Characters in The Crucible

Characters in The Crucible

Characters in The Crucible. There are limited numbers of characters in The Crucible. The story of the play revolves around some main characters unlike one man show. The main characters in the Crucible are: Reverend Parris, Betty Parris, Abigail Williams, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Tituba, Judge Hathorne, Thomas Putnam, Ruth Putnam, Mary Warren, Mercy Lewis, … Read more

Summary of The Crucible by Arthur Miller

Summary of The Crucible

Summary of The Crucible The Play Crucible is composed of four acts. All the acts were performed at different places. Here is a summary of The Crucible. The Crucible Act 1 Summary The play takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. The Crucible opens in the home of Reverend Parris, where Betty is lying unconscious … Read more

Introduction and Historical Background to The Crucible

Introduction And Historical Background to The Crucible

Introduction to Author of The Crucible Arthur Miller was born on October 17, 1915, in Harlem. He was the son of Isidore and Augusta Miller, who were Polish immigrants. He graduated in 1933 from high school in New York. He applied to several universities but could not get admission. Miller had multiple talents and worked … Read more

Character Analysis of John Proctor | The Crucible

John Proctor is one of the main characters of the play who remain on the stage most of the time. Audience knows him from the first scene of the play and witnesses his doom at the end of the play. He is a tormented individual who believes that his unfair relations with Abigail irreparably degraded … Read more

Character Analysis of Abigail Williams | The Crucible

Character analysis of Abigail Williams

Abigail Williams is the main character and driving force of The Crucible. She played a vital role in taking responsibility for the other girls dancing in the woods. She also dictates other girls and manipulates them according to her own wishes. She was casting a spell in the woods with Tituba and other girls in … Read more

Plot Overview of Animal Farm | Short Summary

Brief Summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell

One night, all the Mr. Jones’s Manor Farm animals bunch up in a barn to listen to a pig, Old Major. He had a dream in which he saw a world where all animals will live free from the oppression of their human masters. He tells the animals that they must work together to achieve … Read more

An Introduction and Plot Overview of Heart of Darkness

Plot Overview of Heart of Darkness

An Introduction to Heart of Darkness Blackwood’s Magazine published Heart of Darkness as a novella in the nineteenth century. It was finally published in 1942 in the booking form as the third work in a compilation by Conrad. Since its publication in Youth, the novel has piqued the interest of a wide range of readers … Read more

Figures of Speech | Figurative Language | Poetic Devices

Figures of Speech and Poetic Devices

Figures of Speech | Figurative Language The use of figurative language goes back to ancient time. We can find the use of figurative language in writings of Aristotle, Homer, Quintilian, and Horace. They were among the first writers who theorized about the function and use of figurative language. Figurative language is a language based on … Read more