The Rape of the Lock as a Social Satire | Mock Epic

The Rape of the Lock A Social Satire

The Rape of the Lock as a Social Satire The Purpose of Satire in Rape of the Lock: Alexander Pope was one of the best satirists England has ever produced. The function of a satirist is didactic and his object is the reformation of humankind and their follies and foibles. The satirist has a yardstick … Read more

Major Themes in the Play “Othello”

Major Themes in Othello

Major Themes in Othello The play Othello is a domestic tragedy and involves happening of individual characters. The themes in Othello are linked with individual characters ranging from hatred to love, jealousy to revenge, service to betrayal, and innocence to guilty. Major themes In Othello are love, jealousy, racial prejudice, appearance versus reality, expectations versus … Read more

Character Analysis of Desdemona | Othello

Character Analysis of Desdemona

Desdemona: A Heroine of the Play Desdemona is a heroine in Shakespeare’s Othello. She is the daughter of the respected Venetian Senator Brabantio. Desdemona is one of the most pitiable victims among English heroines. Encompassing all the good traits, a lady of spirit, intelligent, devoted, a loving wife, but she fails to justify her love to her husband and … Read more

What Is a Heroic Couplet? Epic Poetry

What is a Heroic Couplet?

What is a Heroic Couplet? The heroic couplet is a form of writing that consists of two iambic pentameter lines rhyming together at the end. Why it is called “Heroic”? Because pentameter verse rhymed or unrhymed, was first used for epic or heroic poetry. As far as English poetry is concerned, a heroic couplet is … Read more

Character Analysis of Mr. Kurtz | Heart of Darkness

Character Analysis of Mr. Kurtz Mr. Kurtz is one of the most enigmatic characters in 2oth century literature.  He is an embodiment of European imperialistic approach and also an assault on European values. His contradictory personality fascinates Marlow and creates a pulse of curiosity in the mind of Marlow. Like Marlow, Kurtz was also fond … Read more

Introduction to Animal Characters in Animal Farm

Animal Characters in the Novel Animal Farm

 Introduction to Animals in the Novel Animal Farm The novel is characterized by animal characters, mostly. There are few humans but major active characters are animals. The main animal characters in the novel, Animal Farm, are: Old Major, Napoleon, Snowball, Squealer, Boxer, Clover, Mollie, Benjamin, and Moses. There are also dogs, cows, sheep, hens, and … Read more

The Song “Beasts of England” in Animal Farm

Beasts of England and Comrade Napoleon

The Song “Beasts of England” in George Orwell’s Animal Farm Old Major’s Song: “Beast of England” Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland,Beasts of every land and clime,Hearken to my joyful tidingsOf the Golden future time.   Soon or late the day is coming,Tyrant Man shall be o’erthrown,And the fruitful fields of EnglandShall be trod by beasts alone. … Read more

Major Themes of the Novel Old Man and the Sea

Major Themes in Old Man and the Sea

Themes of the Novel The major themes is Old Man and the Sea are solidarity, courage, dignity, pride, values, etc. Let us look into those themes in detail.   Solidarity Hemingway invests a decent arrangement of energy drawing associations between Santiago and his indigenous habitat. Fishes, feathered creatures, stars etc overall, are his siblings or … Read more

Different Types of Literature

Types of Literature

What is Literature? Literature can be any written work, but it especially is an artistic or intellectual work of writing. The usage of language in literature differs sometimes from the way it is ordinarily used. The difference is the use of artistic tools to create aesthetic beauty in a text. Literature is the depiction of … Read more